A Virtual Assistant’s (VA) primary role is to free up a business’s time so that you can focus on other important tasks. However, managing a VA can on occasion consume more time when first setting up so we have put together a small list of tools to help utilize your time with a VA and increase productivity.

Password management

Password management

A VA, depending on the nature of the work undertaken, may require access to internal business systems in order to complete set tasks. Social media, online stores, work tools, online banking, and club membership are examples of such accounts. All of these passwords may have to be shared with a VA but in a secure method. 

Password management tools aid in the security of all logins. Among the best password tools are:

LastPass : LastPass will automatically fill in usernames and passwords. But first, the user must install it as a browser extension. LastPass stores all passwords across all devices. Passwords are auto-filled by the browser add-on meaning less time trying to log in and more time working. 

Dashlane :Dashlane syncs all devices and allows the user to access accounts quickly and securely. It also has a powerful autofill feature that automatically enters passwords on any website. Dashlane works in the same way that LastPass does. This virtual assistant application can save an unlimited number of passwords meaning quick and easy access.

Communication Tools

Communication Tools

A business should be able to contact their virtual assistant and communication is key to a successful and long relationship. Although email is a popular method, there may be occasions where these can be missed amongst a busy inbox. The following communication tools may be beneficial to adopt;

Slack: this tool although doesn’t replace email communication, it can speed up communication.  Channels are group discussions that revolve around a predetermined topic. Slack also includes a number of app integrations. Google Docs integration, Twitter streams, and Google Hangouts are among the apps available. When the team is out of the office, they can contact the VA for assistance on the go. 

Tasks for Hubstaff: Hubstaff Tasks make project management simple and straightforward. The tool is simple to learn and use, making it ideal for beginners. The sprint view is one of the best features. The sprint view enables us to specify which tasks your VA must complete.

Workplace Collaboration Software

Multiple users working on the same documents can be done thanks to work collaboration tools, and these have been found to increase productivity and remove the need for multiple meetings. When compared to sending emails, these file-sharing solutions help save both time and effort. Google Drive, Dropbox and HubSpot are three of the best tools for sharing with a VA.

Tools for Task/Project Management

It is best to figure out workflows and collaboration as a business may increase project workloads and tasks. The following questions can be answered with the help of a task/project management tool:

  • The next task to be completed 
  • To whom should a specific task be assigned?
  • The projects that are at risk of going over budget

We recommend selecting a tool that will evolve with the business and ensure that all the functionalities are productive to a business. When choosing a project management tool, it is useful to think about what you need it to do now and in the next five years. It could be that a business needs to invest in a custom-build software which can be tailored fully to their specifications as some free platforms may not cover everything. 

Although this is not an extensive list, we have tried to pick the most productive tools found amongst our clients. When booking through Beyond Staff, our dedicated Project Managers are on hand to help advise where we can on the best tools to get the most out of the VA relationship.